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支持Emmet,输入 p 后按 Tab键试试吧!
<head> ... </head>
let haml_str = `
- @diskFiles = [{"label" => "folder", "name" => "Dos", "for" => "explorer-dos"}, {"label" => "folder", "name" => "Program Files", "for" => "explorer-program-files"}, {"label" => "folder", "name" => "Windows", "for" => "explorer-windows"}, {"label" => "program-config", "name" => "Autoexec"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Autoexec.dos"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Command"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Command.dos"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Config.dos"}, {"label" => "program-config", "name" => "Dbg"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Netlog"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Wdeb386"}]
- @programFiles = ["Microsoft Exchange", "The Microsoft Network"]
- @windowsFolders = ["Command", "Config", "Cursors", "Fonts", "Help", "Media", "SendTo", "Start Menu", "System", "Temp"]
- @windowsFiles = [{"label" => "document-misc", "name" => "Accessor"}, { "label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Black Thatch"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Blue Rivets"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Bubbles"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Carved Stone"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Circles"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Command"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Config"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Control"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Control"}, {"label" => "document-misc", "name" => "Desktop"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Display"}, {"label" => "document-misc", "name" => "Document"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Dosprmpt"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Emm386"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Exchange"}, {"label" => "document-misc", "name" => "Exchng32"}, {"label" => "computer", "name" => "Explorer"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Extra"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Faq"}, {"label" => "document-font", "name" => "Fontview"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "General"}, {"label" => "grpconv", "name" => "Grpconv"}]
- @controlPanelItems = [{"label" => "hardware", "name" => "Add New Hardware"}, {"label" => "add-programs", "name" => "Add/Remove Programs"}, {"label" => "date-time", "name" => "Date/Time"}, {"label" => "computer-display", "name" => "Display"}, {"label" => "folder-fonts-link", "name" => "Fonts"}, {"label" => "internet", "name" => "Internet"}, {"label" => "joystick", "name" => "Joystick"}, {"label" => "keyboard", "name" => "Keyboard"}, {"label" => "inbox", "name" => "Mail"}, {"label" => "modems", "name" => "Modems"}, {"label" => "mouse", "name" => "Mouse"}, {"label" => "multimedia", "name" => "Multimedia"}, {"label" => "network", "name" => "Network"}, {"label" => "passwords", "name" => "Passwords"}, {"label" => "battery", "name" => "Power"}, {"label" => "folder-printers-link", "name" => "Printers", "for" => "explorer-printers"}, {"label" => "regional", "name" => "Regional Settings"}, {"label" => "computer-sounds", "name" => "Sounds"}, {"label" => "computer-mouse", "name" => "System"}]
- @dosFiles = [{"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "4201.cpi"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "4208.cpi"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "5202.cpi"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Append"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Appnotes"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Assign"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Attrib"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Backup"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Chkdsk"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Command"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Comp"}, {"label" => "program-config", "name" => "Dblspace"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Debug"}, {"label" => "program-config", "name" => "Defrag"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Diskcomp"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Diskcopy"}, {"label" => "help", "name" => "Doshelp"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Doskey"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Dosshell"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Dosshell"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Dosshell.grb"}, {"label" => "help", "name" => "Dosshell"}, {"label" => "document-text", "name" => "Dosshell"}, {"label" => "document-windows", "name" => "Dosshell.vid"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Dosswap"}, {"label" => "program-config", "name" => "Drvspace"}, {"label" => "program", "name" => "Edit"}]
- @optionInputs = [{"name" => "always-on-top", "checked" => true}, {"name" => "auto-hide"}, {"name" => "show-small-icons"}, {"name" => "show-clock", "checked" => true}]
- @editPartial = '<li><label class="label-disabled">Undo</label></li><li><hr></li><li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>Cu</span><span class="line">t</span></span></label></li><li><label class="label-disabled">Copy</label></li><li><label class="label-disabled">Paste</label></li>'
- @editMenu = '<li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>Paste </span><span class="line">Shortcut</span></span></label></li><li><hr></li><li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>Select </span><span class="line">All</span></span></label></li><li><label class="label-disabled">Invert Selection</label></li>'
- @viewMenu = '<li><a class="label-nested"><span><span>Arrange </span><span class="line">Icons</span></span></a><menu class="sub-menu underline"><li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>by </span><span class="line">Name</span></span></label></li><li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>by </span><span class="line">Type</span></span></label></li><li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>by Si</span><span class="line">ze</span></span></label></li><li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>by </span><span class="line">Date</span></span></label></li><li><hr></li><li><label class="label-disabled">Auto Arrange</label></li></menu></li><li><label class="label-disabled"><span><span>Lin</span><span class="line">e up Icons</span></span></label></li><li><hr></li><li><label class="label-disabled">Refresh</label></li><li><label class="label-disabled">Options...</label></li>'
- @helpMenu = '<menu class="sub-menu underline"><li><label class="label-disabled">Help Topics</label></li><li><hr></li><li><label class="label-disabled">About Windows 95</label></li></menu>'
%input#start{:type => "checkbox", "data-start" => true, :hidden => true}
- @optionInputs.each do |input|
- if (input['checked'] == true)
%input{:id => "global-option-#{input['name']}", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-global-option" => true, :checked => true}
- else
%input{:id => "global-option-#{input['name']}", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-global-option" => true}
- @windowInputs = [{"name" => "welcome", "checked" => true, "static" => true}, {"name" => "taskbar", "static" => true}, {"name" => "printers"}, {"name" => "control-panel"}, {"name" => "computer"}, {"name" => "notepad"}, {"name" => "explorer"}]
- @windowInputs.each do |input|
- if (input['static'] != true)
%input{:id => "#{input['name']}", :type => "checkbox", "data-window-trigger" => true, "data-name" => "#{input['name']}", :hidden => true}
%input{:id => "#{input['name']}-minimize", :type => "checkbox", "data-minimize" => true, "data-name" => "#{input['name']}", :hidden => true}
%input{:id => "#{input['name']}-maximize", :type => "checkbox", "data-maximize" => true, "data-name" => "#{input['name']}", :hidden => true}
- else
- if (input['checked'] == true)
%input.no-tab.active{:id => "#{input['name']}", :type => "checkbox", "data-window-trigger" => true, "data-name" => "#{input['name']}", :hidden => true, :checked => true}
- else
%input.no-tab{:id => "#{input['name']}", :type => "checkbox", "data-window-trigger" => true, "data-name" => "#{input['name']}", :hidden => true}
- @explorerInputs = [{"name" => "desktop"}, {"name" => "computer"}, {"name" => "disk", "checked" => true}, {"name" => "dos"}, {"name" => "program-files"}, {"name" => "windows"}, {"name" => "control-panel"}, {"name" => "printers"}, {"name" => "recycle-bin"}]
- @explorerInputs.each do |input|
- if input['checked']
%input{:id => "explorer-#{input['name']}", :type => "radio", :name => "explorer", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
- else
%input{:id => "explorer-#{input['name']}", :type => "radio", :name => "explorer", :hidden => true}
%input#toggle-computer{:type => "checkbox", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#toggle-disk{:type => "checkbox", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#toggle-program-files{:type => "checkbox", :hidden => true}
%input#toggle-windows{:type => "checkbox", :hidden => true}
%input#error-diskette-a{:type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-error-trigger" => true, "data-name" => "diskette-a"}
%input#error-diskette-b{:type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-error-trigger" => true, "data-name" => "diskette-b"}
%input#error-blue-screen{:type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-error-trigger" => true, "data-name" => "blue-screen"}
%label.desktop-icon.label-computer{:tabindex => 0, :for => "computer"}
%span My Computer
%span Inbox
%span Recycle Bin
#window-welcome.window{"data-window" => true}
%span Welcome
%label.close{:for => "welcome", :tabindex => 0}
%h3 About this project
%p This ongoing web experiment by <a href="https://gabriellew.ee" target="_blank">Gabrielle Wee</a> is an attempt to get as close as possible to Windows 95 using primarily CSS and HTML, with a little bit of Javascript magic.
%h3 Changelog
%li October 12, 2023 - Fix bug where window cannot maximize after resizing
%li September 19, 2023 - Launch first version!
%li March 10, 2023 - Begin experiment.
%h3 Caveats
%li The code is pretty convoluted and difficult to follow. It’s not really meant to be an example of best practices!
%li On that note, this demo works best in a desktop view. It may work on mobile devices but not all windows will function properly.
%li Items that are not selectable are not functional (yet).
%li There’s some weird sizing issues that mean that this demo is not 1:1 with actual Windows 95 and that’s ok!
%li This demo may not be accessible or easy to navigate using the keyboard.
%li Most of the components work without Javascript, but everything works better with Javascript.
%li There are a few bugs that I haven’t ironed out yet. If you notice one, I’m probably in the process of fixing it!
%h3 To-do
%li Iron out bugs. Always.
%li Add documents to the Documents menu
%li Add Inbox and Recycle Bin windows
%li Add Find and Run options from Start menu
%li Enable buttons in Taskbar window on the Start Menu Programs tab
%li Enable tooltips in Taskbar window
%li Enabled status bar tips
%li Get window resizing working on most windows
%li Add window stacking when new windows are opened
%li Add shut down sequence
%h3 Credits
%li <a href="https://www.pcjs.org/software/pcx86/sys/windows/win95/4.00.950/" target="_blank">Windows 95 emulator</a>
%li <a href="https://codepen.io/louh/pen/oZJQvm" target="_blank">Windows 95 scrollbars</a>
%li Icons are modified from the original Windows 95 icons
%label.button{:for => "welcome", :tabindex => 0}
%span Close
#window-taskbar.window{"data-window" => true}
%input#taskbar-options{:type => "radio", :name => "taskbar", :hidden => true, :checked => true}
%input#start-menu-programs{:type => "radio", :name => "taskbar", :hidden => true}
- @optionInputs.each do |input|
- if (input['checked'] == true)
%input{:id => "option-#{input['name']}", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-option" => true, :checked => true}
- else
%input{:id => "option-#{input['name']}", :type => "checkbox", "data-option" => true, :hidden => true}
%span Taskbar Properties
%label.question{:tabindex => 0, :disabled => true}
%label.close{:for => "taskbar", :tabindex => 0}
%label.tab.tab-taskbar-options{:for => "taskbar-options"}
%span Taskbar Options
%label.tab.tab-start-menu-programs{:for => "start-menu-programs"}
%span Start Menu Programs
%label{:class => "label-volume"} Sound Re
%label{:class => "label-wordpad"} Wordpad
%label.label-start Start
%span Settings
%span Find
%span Help
%span Run...
%span> Sh
%span.line> u
%span> t Down
%time 12:45 PM
%label{:for => "option-always-on-top", :tabindex => 0}
%span Always on
%span.line top
%label{:for => "option-auto-hide", :tabindex => 0}
%span> A
%span.line> u
%span> to hide
%label{:for => "option-show-small-icons", :tabindex => 0}
%span Show
%span.line small
%span icons in Start menu
%label{:for => "option-show-clock", :tabindex => 0}
%span Show
%span.line Clock
%legend Customize Start Menu
%p.label-customize-start-menu You may customize your Start Menu by adding or removing items from it.
%label.button{:disabled => true, :tabindex => 0}
%span Add…
%label.button{:disabled => true, :tabindex => 0}
%span Remove…
%label.button{:disabled => true, :tabindex => 0}
%span> A
%span.line> dvanced…
%legend Documents Menu
%p.label-recycle-bin-folder Click the clear button to remove the contents of the Documents Menu.
%label.button{:disabled => true, :for => "clear-documents", :tabindex => 0}
%span Clear
%label.button{:for => "taskbar", :tabindex => 0, :disabled => true, "data-apply" => true, "data-close" => true}
%span OK
%label.button{:for => "taskbar", :tabindex => 0}
%span Cancel
%label.button.underline{:disabled => true, "data-apply" => true}
%span Apply
#window-printers.window{"data-window" => true}
%input.toggle-menu{:id => "printers-menu", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-menu" => true}
%input#printers-menu-status-bar.menu-status-bar{:type => "checkbox", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#printers-menu-large-icons.menu-large-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "printers-icon-size", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#printers-menu-small-icons.menu-small-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "printers-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%input#printers-menu-list-icons.menu-list-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "printers-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%span Printers
%label.minimize{:for => "printers-minimize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.maximize{:for => "printers-maximize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.close{:for => "printers", :tabindex => 0}
%label.toggle-menu-label{:for => "printers-menu", "data-toggle" => true}
%a.menu-item-file{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} File
%span> Create
%span.line> Shortcut
%label.label-disabled Delete
%span> Rena
%span.line> me
%label.label-disabled Properties
%label{:for => "printers", :tabindex => 0} Close
%a.menu-item-edit{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Edit
%a.menu-item-view{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} View
%label.label-disabled Toolbar
%label.label-check.label-status-bar{:for => "printers-menu-status-bar"}
%span> Status
%span.line> Bar
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-large-icons{:for => "printers-menu-large-icons"}
%span> Lar
%span.line> ge Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-small-icons{:for => "printers-menu-small-icons"}
%span> S
%span.line> mall Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-list-icons{:for => "printers-menu-list-icons"}
%span.line List
%a.menu-item-help{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Help
%label.label-document-printer-small Add Printer
%li.show 1 object(s)
#window-control-panel.window{"data-window" => true}
%input.toggle-menu{:id => "control-panel-menu", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-menu" => true}
%input#control-panel-menu-status-bar.menu-status-bar{:type => "checkbox", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#control-panel-menu-large-icons.menu-large-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "control-panel-icon-size", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#control-panel-menu-small-icons.menu-small-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "control-panel-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%input#control-panel-menu-list-icons.menu-list-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "control-panel-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%span Control Panel
%label.minimize{:for => "control-panel-minimize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.maximize{:for => "control-panel-maximize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.close{:for => "control-panel", :tabindex => 0}
%label.toggle-menu-label{:for => "control-panel-menu", "data-toggle" => true}
%a.menu-item-file{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} File
%span> Create
%span.line> Shortcut
%label.label-disabled Delete
%span> Rena
%span.line> me
%label.label-disabled Properties
%label{:for => "control-panel", :tabindex => 0} Close
%a.menu-item-edit{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Edit
%a.menu-item-view{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} View
%label.label-disabled Toolbar
%label.label-check.label-status-bar{:for => "control-panel-menu-status-bar"}
%span> Status
%span.line> Bar
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-large-icons{:for => "control-panel-menu-large-icons"}
%span> Lar
%span.line> ge Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-small-icons{:for => "control-panel-menu-small-icons"}
%span> S
%span.line> mall Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-list-icons{:for => "control-panel-menu-list-icons"}
%span.line List
%a.menu-item-help{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Help
- @controlPanelItems.each do |item|
%label{:class => "label-#{item['label']}-small"} #{item['name']}
%li.show 19 object(s)
#window-computer.window.window-default{"data-window" => true}
%input.toggle-menu{:id => "computer-menu", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-menu" => true}
%input#computer-menu-status-bar.menu-status-bar{:type => "checkbox", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#computer-menu-large-icons.menu-large-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "computer-icon-size", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#computer-menu-small-icons.menu-small-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "computer-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%input#computer-menu-list-icons.menu-list-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "computer-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%span Ms-dos_5 (C:)
%label.minimize{:for => "computer-minimize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.maximize{:for => "computer-maximize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.close{:for => "computer", :tabindex => 0}
%label.toggle-menu-label{:for => "computer-menu", "data-toggle" => true}
%a.menu-item-file{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} File
%span> Ne
%span.line> w
%label.label-disabled Folder
%label.label-disabled Shortcut
%label.label-disabled.no-line Text Document
%span> Create
%span.line> Shortcut
%label.label-disabled Delete
%span> Rena
%span.line> me
%label.label-disabled Properties
%label{:for => "computer", :tabindex => 0} Close
%a.menu-item-edit{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Edit
%a.menu-item-view{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} View
%label.label-disabled Toolbar
%label.label-check.label-status-bar{:for => "computer-menu-status-bar"}
%span> Status
%span.line> Bar
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-large-icons{:for => "computer-menu-large-icons"}
%span> Lar
%span.line> ge Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-small-icons{:for => "computer-menu-small-icons"}
%span> S
%span.line> mall Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-list-icons{:for => "computer-menu-list-icons"}
%span.line List
%label.label-disabled Details
%a.menu-item-help{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Help
- @diskFiles.each do |file|
%label{:class => "label-#{file['label']}-small"} #{file['name']}
%li.show 11 object(s) (plus 14 hidden)
%li.show 954KB (Disk free space: 31.1MB)
#window-notepad.window.window-default{"data-window" => true}
%input.toggle-menu{:id => "notepad-menu", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-menu" => true}
%span Untitled - Notepad
%label.minimize{:for => "notepad-minimize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.maximize{:for => "notepad-maximize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.close{:for => "notepad", :tabindex => 0}
%label.toggle-menu-label{:for => "notepad-menu", "data-toggle" => true}
%a.menu-item-file{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} File
%label.label-disabled New
%label.label-disabled Open
%label.label-disabled Save
%span> Save
%span.line> As
%span> Page Se
%span.line> tup...
%label.label-disabled Print
%label{:for => "notepad"}
%span> E
%span.line> xit
%a.menu-item-edit{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Edit
%span> De
%span.line> lete
%span> Select
%span.line> All
%span> Time/
%span.line> Date
%label.label-disabled Word Wrap
%a.menu-item-search{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Search
%label.label-disabled Find
%span> Find
%span.line> Next
%a.menu-item-help{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Help
%label.label-disabled Help Topics
%label.label-disabled About Notepad
#window-explorer.window.window-default{"data-window" => true}
%input.toggle-menu{:id => "explorer-menu", :type => "checkbox", :hidden => true, "data-menu" => true}
%input#explorer-menu-status-bar.menu-status-bar{:type => "checkbox", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%input#explorer-menu-large-icons.menu-large-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "explorer-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%input#explorer-menu-small-icons.menu-small-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "explorer-icon-size", :hidden => true}
%input#explorer-menu-list-icons.menu-list-icons{:type => "radio", :name => "explorer-icon-size", :checked => true, :hidden => true}
%span.title-explorer-desktop Exploring - Desktop
%span.title-explorer-computer Exploring - Computer
%span.title-explorer-disk Exploring - Ms-dos_5 (C:)
%span.title-explorer-dos Exploring - Dos
%span.title-explorer-program-files Exploring - Program Files
%span.title-explorer-windows Exploring - Windows
%span.title-explorer-control-panel Exploring - Control Panel
%span.title-explorer-printers Exploring - Printers
%span.title-explorer-recycle-bin Exploring - Recycle Bin
%label.minimize{:for => "explorer-minimize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.maximize{:for => "explorer-maximize", :tabindex => 0}
%label.close{:for => "explorer", :tabindex => 0}
%label.toggle-menu-label{:for => "explorer-menu", "data-toggle" => true}
%a.menu-item-file{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} File
%span> Ne
%span.line> w
%label.label-disabled Folder
%label.label-disabled Shortcut
%label.label-disabled.no-line Text Document
%span> Create
%span.line> Shortcut
%label.label-disabled Delete
%span> Rena
%span.line> me
%label.label-disabled Properties
%label{:for => "explorer", :tabindex => 0} Close
%a.menu-item-edit{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Edit
%a.menu-item-view{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} View
%label.label-disabled Toolbar
%label.label-check.label-status-bar{:for => "explorer-menu-status-bar"}
%span> Status
%span.line> Bar
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-large-icons{:for => "explorer-menu-large-icons"}
%span> Lar
%span.line> ge Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-small-icons{:for => "explorer-menu-small-icons"}
%span> S
%span.line> mall Icons
%label.label-check.label-icon-size.label-list-icons{:for => "explorer-menu-list-icons"}
%span.line List
%label.label-disabled Details
%a.menu-item-tools{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Tools
%a.label-nested Find
%label.label-disabled Files or Folders
%label.label-disabled Go to...
%a.menu-item-help{:href => "#", "data-label" => true} Help
%h4 All Folders
%label.label-desktop-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-desktop"}
%span Desktop
%label.label-toggle.toggle-computer{:for => "toggle-computer"}
%label.label-computer-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-computer"}
%span My Computer
%label.label-toggle.toggle-error-a{:for => "error-diskette-a"}
%label.label-diskette-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "error-diskette-a"}
%span 5¼ Floppy (A:)
%label.label-toggle.toggle-error-b{:for => "error-diskette-b"}
%label.label-diskette-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "error-diskette-b"}
%span 5¼ Floppy (B:)
%label.label-toggle.toggle-disk{:for => "toggle-disk"}
%label.label-disk-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-disk"}
%span Ms-dos_5 (C:)
%label.label-folder-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-dos"}
%span Dos
%label.label-toggle.toggle-program-files{:for => "toggle-program-files"}
%label.label-folder-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-program-files"}
%span Program Files
- @programFiles.each do |file|
%label.label-folder-small.long #{file}
%label.label-toggle.toggle-windows{:for => "toggle-windows"}
%label.label-folder-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-windows"}
%span Windows
- @windowsFolders.each do |folder|
%label.label-folder-small #{folder}
%label.label-control-panel-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-control-panel"}
%span Control Panel
%label.label-folder-printers-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-printers"}
%span Printers
%label.label-recycle-bin-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-recycle-bin"}
%span Recycle Bin
%h5 Contents of Desktop
%label.label-computer-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-computer"}
%span My Computer
%span Inbox
%span Recycle Bin
%h5 Contents of My Computer
%label.label-diskette-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "error-diskette-a"}
%span 5¼ Floppy (A:)
%label.label-diskette-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "error-diskette-b"}
%span 5¼ Floppy (B:)
%label.label-disk-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-disk"}
%span Ms-dos_5 (C:)
%label.label-control-panel-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-control-panel"}
%span Control Panel
%label.label-folder-printers-small{:tabindex => 0, :for => "explorer-printers"}
%span Printers
%h5 Contents of Ms-dos_5 (C:)
- @diskFiles.each do |file|
- if file['for']
%label{:tabindex => 0, :for => "#{file['for']}", :class => "label-#{file['label']}-small"}
%span #{file['name']}
- else
%label{:class => "label-#{file['label']}-small"} #{file['name']}
%h5 Contents of Dos
- @dosFiles.each do |file|
%label{:class => "label-#{file['label']}-small"} #{file["name"]}
%h5 Contents of Program Files
- @programFiles.each do |file|
%label.label-folder-small.long #{file}
%h5 Contents of Windows
- @windowsFolders.each do |folder|
%label.label-folder-small #{folder}
- @windowsFiles.each do |file|
%label{:class => "label-#{file['label']}-small"} #{file["name"]}
%h5 Contents of Control Panel
- @controlPanelItems.each do |item|
- if item['for']
%label{:class => "label-#{item['label']}-small", :tabindex => 0, :for => "#{item['for']}"}
%span #{item["name"]}
- else
%label{:class => "label-#{item['label']}-small"} #{item["name"]}
%h5 Contents of Printers
%label.label-document-printer-small Add Printer
%h5 Contents of Recycle Bin
%li.explorer-number-desktop 3 object(s)
%li.explorer-number-computer 0 object(s)
%li.explorer-number-disk 11 object(s) (plus 14 hidden)
%li.explorer-number-dos 27 object(s) (plus 57 hidden)
%li.explorer-number-program-files 2 object(s)
%li.explorer-number-windows 33 object(s) (plus 77 hidden)
%li.explorer-number-control-panel 15 object(s)
%li.explorer-number-printers 1 object(s)
%li.explorer-number-recycle-bin 0 object(s)
%li.explorer-space-disk 954KB (Disk free space: 31.1MB)
%li.explorer-space-dos 2.09MB (Disk free space: 31.1MB)
%li.explorer-space-program-files 0 bytes (Disk free space: 31.1MB)
%li.explorer-space-windows 8.09MB (Disk free space: 31.1MB)
%li.explorer-space-recycle-bin 0 bytes
%label.label-start{:for => "start", :tabindex => 0} Start
%span Programs
%span Accessories
%label.label-notepad-small{:for => "notepad"}
%span Notepad
%span Start Up
%span (Empty)
%label.label-folder-explorer-small{:for => "explorer"}
%span Windows Explorer
%span Documents
%span (Empty)
%span Settings
%label.label-control-panel-small{:for => "control-panel"}
%span Control Panel
%label.label-folder-printers-small{:for => "printers"}
%span Printers
%label.label-taskbar{:for => "taskbar"}
%span Taskbar...
%span Find
%span Files or Folders
%span Help
%span Run...
%label.label-shut-down{:for => "error-blue-screen"}
%span> Sh
%span.line> u
%span> t Down
%li.tab.tab-printers{"data-tab" => true}
%label.label-folder-printers-small{:for => "printers-minimize"}
%span Printers
%li.tab.tab-control-panel{"data-tab" => true}
%label.label-control-panel-small{:for => "control-panel-minimize"}
%span Control Panel
%li.tab.tab-computer{"data-tab" => true}
%label.label-disk-small{:for => "computer-minimize"}
%span Ms-dos_5 (C:)
%li.tab.tab-notepad{"data-tab" => true}
%label.label-document-text-small{:for => "notepad-minimize"}
%span Untitled - Notepad
%li.tab.tab-explorer{"data-tab" => true}
%label.label-folder-explorer-small{:for => "explorer-minimize"}
%span Exploring - Ms-dos_5 (C:)
%time.clock 12:00 AM
%span Windows
%p An error has occured. To continue:
%p Press Enter to return to Windows, or
%p Press CTRL to restart your computer. If you do this, you will lose any unsaved information in all open applications.
Press any key to continue
%span.blink _
#alert-diskette-a.alert{"data-window" => true}
%span Exploring - 5¼ Floppy (A:)
%label.close{:for => "error-diskette-a"}
%p A:\ is not accessible.
%p The device is not ready.
%button.button.underline{:tabindex => 0, "data-retry" => true}
%span Retry
%label.button{:for => "error-diskette-a", :tabindex => 0}
%span Cancel
#alert-diskette-b.alert{"data-window" => true}
%span Exploring - 5¼ Floppy (B:)
%label.close{:for => "error-diskette-b"}
%p B:\ is not accessible.
%p The device is not ready.
%button.button.underline{:tabindex => 0, "data-retry" => true}
%span Retry
%label.button{:for => "error-diskette-b", :tabindex => 0}
%span Cancel
console.log(_.endsWith, _.rtrim,_)
let result = window.haml.compileHaml({source:haml_str});